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Rijgbaar - Serie 93

• Functie: 5/2 - 5/3 No-NG
• Debiet: 3.800 NL
• Aansluiting: 3/8" - 1/2"
Serie 93


Theory of Operation 

Mac Valves new
93 Stacking Series

The MAC 93 Series is a 5-way spool valve pilot operated by a small direct operated 5-way solenoid valve - a one-off in valve manufacturing.  The 5-way pilot means a low minimum operating pressure - no pistons - and minimal resistance to shifting.  The balanced design in the pilot means shifting forces are consistently high and response times are repeatable regardless of inlet pressure fluctuations.

Function Port size Flow (Max) Mounting
5/2 - 5/3  NO-NC

  3/8" - 1/2"

3800Nl Stacking

93 serie Pic 23


• The patented MACSOLENOID® with its non-burn
   out feature on AC service.

• A large checked accumualtor for consistent    
   shifting on single and double solenoid models.

• A plug-in design that provides for internal or   
   external pilot with or wihtout lights and
   all electrical and air plumbing in the base -  
   the valve portion is the same.

• Non-lubricated or lubricated service.

• Optional low wattage DC solenoids down to1W.

• Optional indicator lights, and various types of 
    manual operators.

• Non plug-in or external plug-in models are 



• Balanced poppet, immune to variations   
   of pressure.

• The piston (booster) provides maximum
     shifting forces.

• Short stroke with high flow.

• Powerful return force thanks to the    
   combination of mechanical and air springs.

• Bonded spool with minimum friction,    
    shifting in a glass-like finished bore.

• Wiping effect eliminates sticking.

• Pilot valve with balanced poppet, high   
   flow, short and conistent response times.

• Long service life

European Inline S93 Product Catalog

MAC Application, Installation and service Precautions

Theory of Operation

American Inline S93 Product Catalog

93 Series

The MAC 93 Series is a 5-way spool valve pilot operated by a small direct operated 5-way solenoid valve - a one-off in valve manufacturing.  The 5-way pilot means a low minimum operating pressure - no pistons - and minimal resistance to shifting.  The balanced design in the pilot means shifting forces are consistently high and response times are repeatable regardless of inlet pressure fluctuations.

Function Port size Flow (Max) Mounting

5/2 NO-NC 5/3 NO-NC

3/8'' 1/2''

3,8 Cv Stacking

S93anim il 5,3,300

• The Patented  MACSOLENOID® for fastest
   possible response times and virtually burn-out    
   proof AC solenoid operation.
• Optional low wattage DC solenoids.
• Optional memory spring.
• Plug-in design of valves and bases for ease of   
• 2 position or 3 position valve configurations.


1. Unique patented MACSOLENOID® for   
    fastest possible response times and     
    virtually burn-out proof solenoid operation. 2. Balanced poppet 4-way pilot valve    
    provides maximum shifing forces, precise
     repeatability and consistent opertaion.
3. Air only return.Optional memory spring is     also available.
4. Optional low wattage DC solenoid down to     1 watt.
5. MAC spoll and bore combiantion wipes    
    away constamination, eliminates sticking     and allows for use on non-lube service.

S93dim il 5,3,300
