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Tolomatic b=8,5 h=1,8 150dpi

The ACS is an extremely easy-to-use stepper drive & controller developed specifically to be used with electric actuators. Simply select the configured Tolomatic actuator in the software tot automatically set-up most of the necessary parameters to create motion in the desired linear units (mm or inch).

 ASC easy to use Pic 67


 ACS drive/controller (3604-9651) capabilities

•  4,8 or 16 move command modes (absolute, incremental, jog or home with analog output echoing poistion of
   actuator from encoder) for infinite positioning capability

• Analog position mode (0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA)

• Pneumatic mode replaces pneumatic valve logid of simple motion

• ModBus RTU over RS485 provides infinite positioning

• End point correction

• Zone cutput based on position

• Adjustable motion profile parameters (velocity, accel/decel, force). Parameters are independently configurable
    for each move.

• Ability to reduce holding current for energy savings

• Configurable digital I/O (24 VDC Opto-Isolated) (NPN or PNP)
• Compatible with most 24 VDC stepper motors

ACS Drive/controller (3604-9654, 3604-9655) additional capabilities:

•  Ethernet mode provides infinite positioning using EtherNet/IP and modbus TCP protocols

•  Dual ethernet ports with internal switch for daisy chaining

•  RS232 Communication port for windows® software configuration

•  RS485 Communication port for Modbus RTU programming

•  Analog output for analog position mode

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